conversion strategies for bringing a new system into production, management homework help


Review the various conversion strategies for bringing a new system into production in your text and optionally read (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Dominican converted to a Learning Management System (Canvas). Canvas is hosted in the cloud at The prior system, Blackboard, was hosted on a Dominican Server in the IT Server Room in Lewis Hall. Background: Suppose you were in charge of Information Technology at a small liberal arts college with an enrollment of 3,000 students and a faculty and staff of 300. Currently the faculty and staff and students are using the learning management system Blackboard located on one of the college’s servers. The college would like to outsource the learning management system to reduce the time and expense of owning and managing in house software and hardware.

Question 1: What problems do you think you might encounter in your project to convert from Blackboard to Canvas. Do you expect anyone to resist or oppose conversion (faculty, students, IT department, administrators)? Propose solutions for any problems you anticipate.

Question 2: Which group (faculty, students, administrators) do you think will need the most training?

Question 3: What conversion strategy will you use?

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