Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 3rd Edition, assignment help


eport question:

Report Question Corporate governance, how
a company is run, is critically important for companies to consider due to
numerous high-profile corporate failures. As a result, companies provide a
corporate governance statement as a way to communicate their governance
practices and promote their ethics credentials to interested parties, such as
shareholders. This statement is often incorporated into the company’s annual report.
To assist with the development of clear and ethical corporate governance
statements, the ASX Corporate Governance Council has developed a set of
principles and recommendations to guide companies. Explain what corporate
governance is and its relationship to business ethics. Select two principles
from the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and
Recommendations (3rd Edition) and explain how each principle you select relates
to business ethics. Evaluate how effectively SCENTRE GROUP’s
corporate governance statement communicates information in relation to the
principles you selected.

* If SCENTRE GROUP does not have a 2016
Annual Report/Annual Review/Shareholder Review, you can use the 2015 equivalent
printed document.


Governance Principles and Recommendations 3rd Edition (ASX Corporate Governance
Council 2014).

Governance and Business Ethics’ (Felo 2013)

the Confusion Over Organizational Ethics’ (Liautaud 2013)

4. ‘The
right way to given?'(Dando 2013).

of Business Ethics in Corporate Governance


Use the
5 sources from the compulsor reading which in the files and you will need to
use Scentre group’s annual report

you need to use a minimum of six (6) sources in total.

Use 11
or 12 point Arial, Verdana, or Calibri font

Use 1.5 spacing and at least 3cm page

1000-1500 words

Academic report format

Grading Criteria

Content – Development of the
answer 20%

All information is relevant to the
question and comprehensively explained

Content-Selection and
integration of sources 20%

All supporting evidence is critically
selected and synthesized

Organisation – Cohesive report
format 10%

Highly creative organisation using report
structure, skilfully manages cohesion throughout the report

Organisation – Paragraph
structure 10%

Highly sophisticated and cohesive paragraph

Language – Paraphrasing 10%

Paraphrases the ideas in the source text
concisely and accurately

Language – Vocabulary and
expression 15%

Presents ideas using highly sophisticated,
accurate and original academic language

Mechanics – Referencing 10%

Accurate referencing throughout the answer

Mechanics – Layout and
presentation 5%

Accurate and professional layout and
presentation throughout the report


Executive summary

1. Introduction: include background, problem and purpose( just around 100 words)

2. Corporate governance and ethics

(Need 2 paragraphs. First one is definition, the second one is relationship, and each paragraph needs 2 different sources which I gave u)

3. ASX principles

3.1 Structure the board to add value

3.2 Act ethically and responsibly

( each part needs 2 different sources which I gave u )

4. Evaluation of Scentre group



5. conclusions( include restate purpose, summary of findngs and concluding statement, just around 100 words)

I have uploaded 5 sources in the file and u just need to research Scentre group’s annual report.

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