Earned Value Fundamentals, management assignment help


Describe the linkages of the work breakdown structure and the time-phased budget to arrive at an earned value analysis. What is the impact on earned value if the cost estimation is significantly lower because of low estimates or specification changes in the project? Provide examples of projects you have been involved with or read about that may have had this problem.

I have sent a brief explanation of my line of work and what we work on. Could you incorporate my job description to this assignment. I currently work for the Port of San Francisco, as a Manager of Pile Driving and Commercial Diving. My job consists of managing three crews to building, repairing, and maintaining piers, wharfs, and docks around the San Francisco bay. Whatever can’t be done outside of the water we do under the water. I have been a supervisor for thirteen years and manager for two years, hopefully moving up to Superintendent and eventually Project Manager.

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