International Labor Rights, environmental science homework help


Unit 8


International Labor Rights

U.S. imports of manufactured goods have increased in recent years raising questions about the

conditions of workers producing those goods.

For this week’s assignment, respond to the following key questions.

Key questions:

First, provide a brief (one paragraph) overview of this week’s material.

Discuss whether or not workers are exploited in manufacturing of US imports. In your

response consider whether they are better off in that type of job or an alternative. Provide a rationale.

Examine whether or not US consumers should boycott or increase in the purchase of these

goods and the effects that boycott or increase in purchase would have on the workers.

Should standards be set for work rules in other countries? Or, should work rules be left to the

political system in a particular country?

If work rules are set, who should set them and how should they be enforced?

For information

in support of your efforts:

For arguments in favor of rules see



Rights Consortium at:

Fair Labor Association at:

Union of Needle trades, Industrial and Textile Employees at:

For arguments against the rules see


Business for Social

Responsibility at:

National Center for Policy Analysis at


For other articles see


Kristof, Nicholas D. and Sheryl Wudunn, “Two Cheers for Sweatshops” at

Tim Vickery, “Who’s Watching the Shop Floor?”…

For further information sites please see:

University Policy Statements, Designated Suppliers Program, Worker’s Rights Consortium at:

Mishra, Praci and Petia Topalova, “How Does Globalization Affect Developing Countries?

September, 2007


Key trade statistics from the WTO, organized by country at:…

Bhagwati, Jagdish and T.N. Srinivasan, “Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries” at

“Why economists are wrong about sweatshops and the anti sweatshop movement,” at:…


University of Wisconsin at

Your final product will be a paper that:

Addresses each of the topic/questions above in total.

Is APA fortatted.

The body is to be 2 pages minimum.

The requirements for your assignment are


1.Answer each question fully

2.Define the overall subject of each question.

3.Cite at least three(3) resources from this week’s materials.

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