MN505 Epidemiology Chart, health & medical homework help


Health Statistics and Populations

The following website will aid you in completing this Assignment:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services. Retrieved from


You will need to create a chart that illustrates Adult screenings, Grades A, and B: preventative care measures for individuals ranging from age 21–65.

You do not have to include Grade C, pregnancy recommendations or pediatric recommendations. You should not include Grade D or I.

The chart should include:

  • Adult Immunization recommendations
  • Well person visit recommendations- be sure to break this out clearly as to what is being screened at the well visits.
  • Prevention counseling
  • Cancer screening recommendations (cervical, breast, colon, lung) Other preventative services (dental care, vision care)

There should be sufficient information as to what the screening is. Look up examples of prevention guideline charts to help you get some ideas. Be sure your content and information is current per the required source above and is not content based on examples that you may find for ideas on design alone. These may be outdated.

Please include gender and age groups in your chart data. There is no narrative. This assignment consists of a title page, a chart and a reference page.

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