Who is most at fault?


Read all nine pages of the Case Problem “What went wrong with Maine’s New Medicaid System?” at http://www.cio.com/article/20133/Maine_s_Medicaid_Mistakes?page=1. There is also a PDF Version here.

Who is most at fault?

Your job is the discussion is to present the case for who is to blame for what went wrong. In this discussion you are divided into two groups. Each section will take one side of the issue in their initial posting.

Section a: “The consulting company is mostly responsible for the problems –

Section b: “The State of Maine is mostly responsible for the problems

you have been assigned to:

GROUP 1, Section a: “The consulting company is mostly responsible for the problems

Questions 1 and 2: What caused the major delays on this project and the processing problems in the new system? Who is to blame for the problems with the project — the State of Maine or the Consulting Company? Support your position.

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